29 MAY 1909, Page 18


[To THR EDITOR OF THZ SPZOTATOR."] Sra,—In your article (Spectator, May 15th) under the above title on the Countess Martinengo Cesaresco's new book, "The Place of Animals in Human Thought," I notice that you attribute to Madame de Stag the saying : "The more I know of men, the more I like dogs," Could you kindly give the reference P Mr. King in his " Classical and Foreign Quota- tions" (Third Edition, 1904) classes it, in its French form, "Plus je vole les bommes, plus j'admire lea chiens," among the "Adespota" (No. 3,090) at the end of his book.—I am,

[The Countess Martinengo Cesaresco does not give any reference or authority for her statement as to Madame de Stael.—ED. Spectator.1