28 MAY 1942, Page 13


Snt,—Harold Nicolson deserves our thanks for his attack on the fork in a recent Marginal Comment. The fork has beet, responsible for a systematic propaganda against the spoon, insisting that it is only fit for the " spoon-feeding " of babes and children and unfit for the virile adult. A foolish convention has made it a social solecism to use a spoon for anything except soup. And the dignity and value of the spoon has been undertnip•i by the term " spooning " to describe the cuddling together which is possible for the concave and convex surfaces of the spoon, but not for the respectable fork.

Naturam expellas furca tamen usque recurret. You may drive out Nature with a fork yet she will always come back. Let us hope that in the new British Restaurants Nature and the spoon will come back