Portrait of the Week— POSTER DULLES DIED, At Geneva, his
suc- or made the West's opening bid for a Berlin • dement, which Mr. Khrushchev, stumping bania, said that the West didn't really want, any- ay. But Britain and the Soviet Union did a trade ideal, ON THE EVE of what was to have been Mr. Khrushchev's deadline for agreement over Berlin, the West put forward its seven-point plan, and the .i.oreign Ministers at Geneva wisely decided to talk it over in private, after they had all got back from Mr. DuIlcs's funeral. Meanwhile, Mr. Khrushchev, sPeechifying at Tirana, proposed that the Balkans Should become 'a peninsula of peace—an area Without rocket bases or atomic weapons, but Pointed out that if Greece and Italy set up rocket bases, Soviet missiles from Albania could reach them all. Sir David Eccles came back from Moscow With a five-year trade agreement : gourmets noticed with satisfaction a suggestion that we Should swop a food-processing factory for more caviare. British output of motor-cars went up, and unemployment figures went down.
IN BRUSSELS an ex-king moved out of his son's Palace, and in London Mr. Clore proposed to move Into the brewing business. All six popular national newspapers said that what Mr. Clore wanted was a Watney's, and what Watney's said was that they didn't want Mr. Clore. In the offices of hvestid, a Journalist who had married a Miss Khrushchev, the boss's daughter, moved into the editorial chair.
THE GOVERNOR OF UGANDA declared the Uganda Nationalist Movement an unlawful society, and the kingdom of Buganda a 'disturbed area.' Lord Mal- vern said at Bulawayo that Europeans there were sensible enough not to care two boots what was in the House of Commons. Alabama public libraries banned a book written for children of three to seven in which a black rabbit marries a White rabbit, but in Little Rock three segrega- tionalist followers of Governor Faubus lost their seats on the school board. Dr. Verwoerd promised to establish a white South African Republic, .!/1111 a white army and a white fleet. -In Trafalgar Square there was a mass meeting to 'Keep Britain White': white hecklers who spoke out for the bJacks were _said to be red.
1111E GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Church of ScOtland, debating 'the manner and order of this government, Whether it ought to be Presbyterial or Prelatical.' remained Presbyterian true blue. The Minister of Health altered the rules in order to make a new q'Pointment possible for Mr. A. H. Barber, the gYnmeologist, wrongfully dismissed by the Man- che:ter Regional Hospital Board seven years ago. tord Beaverbrook Icelebrated his eightieth birth- Y.. and so did Lord Bcaverbrook's newspapers. ,,rincess Anne became a pixie in a Brownie pack. denying that Prince Philip set off the lawn !,Drinkler that drenched two press photographers intickinglaim Palace disappointed Peterborough of he paiiy Telegraph, to whom the incident re- Nied an age of robust Royal humour.'
RoCHESTER CATHEDRAL, criminals crept into the erYPt and crept out again : a cleaner called a canon, rld the canon called the cops, but the cracksmcn iidn't collared the costly cross and candlesticks- (41IY crumpled the lay clerks' cassocks.