SIR,—Congratulations to Pharos on voicing his dislike of the Oxford and Cambridge MA degree in a lcs boorish manner than he did the week before; but the wider he opens his mouth, the more he puts his foff.; in it. In what way is this degree worse than the Mis, of all the Scots universities? At Oxbridge the MA Ig, obtained by passing an examination of BA standara and paying a fee in two instalments; in Scotland, it is, obtained by passing an examination of sina" standard and paying the whole fee in one fell svin°P; The Oxbridge man is thus three years more matk,11.,7 than his Scots equivalent : is there any harm in this The Oxbridge arrangement suits the graduate be; cause it enables him to pay his fec 'on the (no doubt a few, like Pharos, imagine they are gett111„,° something for nothing); it suits the university bccalr'' it enables them to charge a slightly higher total Nei than the Scots universities can charge; and it sce„rfir to suit employers, who almost invariably Prefer Oxbridge MAs (ceteris paribus) to those of odic universities. So what has Pharos got to beef about?"' Yours faithfully,
Chulmleigh Rectory, Devon ROBERT MO°