29 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 10
Arrived—Off Plymouth. Nov. 22d, Olive Branch, Si Mine. from the Care; ditto. Ann. Tindall. from Bengal. At et. Helena, Sept. 27th, Alfred, Tapley, from Malt-s. At the Cape, Aug. 7th, Claudine, Keen, Iron, lanolou ; MIL bill:main, Ferris: Forti- tude, Wilson ; and 12th, Hibernia, Gillies, .40111 ditto; and 2201, Bolton, Fremlin, flout Bengal.
Sailed -Prom Gravesend, Nov. 231, Victory. Bitten, for Bombay ; and Fortune. Lister, for New South Wales ; 26th, Statesman, Quiller, for ditto ; and Porcupine, tppeubeitn, for St. Helena; and 2Jth. Lon ton, Lamb, for the Cape. From the Clyde, 21st, Juliet, Wilson. for Bengal.