In consequence of the strict investigation instituted by the police
of Frankfort, forty ladies, the daughters of the most respectable citizens of the place, and all young and handsome, have been compromised for favouring the escape of several prisoners confined for political offences. It is said that they were mainly instrumental in assisting the prisoners by sending to them small saws and files, concealed in cakes and pates. These ladies were also known to the police as belonging to the Com- mittee for the relief of the Poles, which has for some time been esta- blished in Frankfort. It is not known whether they will be brought to trial, or whether any punishment can be inflicted on them.
The King has given 5001. towards relieving the sufferers by the late hurricane in Dominica.
The self-styled Princess Olive of Cumberland, who, a few years since, was almost daily before the public, in endeavouring to establish her claim to royalty, died on the the 2Ist instant.
The promotion which interdicted the representation of Pinto in Paris has been removed. The piece is advertised for early representa- tion at the Theatre of the Porte St. Martin.
Sherborne Castle, a truly magnificent specimen of the abode of the Barons of ancient times, which has been under a course of repair and improvement for upwards of seven years, is now nearly finished, under the superintendence of the noble owner, the venerable Earl of Mac- clesfield, w:to is in his eightieth year.