29 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 9


A requisition will be presented to the Honourable Lloyd Kenyon, to come forward as a candidate for Marylebone.—Morning Post.

Mr. William Williams has been applied to to come forward for Southwark. Placards are out, stating that a dissolution is certa;n, and that a stanch Reformer will be brought forward in lieu of Mr. Brougham. It is understood that Alderman Farebrother is to he started for Lambeth ; and another Tory, of much greater calibre, is talked of --True Sun.

Sir John Hobhouse has declined an invitation to allow him to be put m nomination for Westminster, on the ground that having already two Reformers for Representatives, it would be but creating division amongst the Reformers, of which the Tories would instantly avail themselves._ Globe.

Mr. Scholefield is sure of his return for Birmingham. Though not much addicted to public speaking, he is known by his constituents as a Person of excellent sense, intelligence, and principle, both public and pn.vates and the votes of the two sessions have shown that there is not oetter Reformer in the House of Commons. Mr. Attwood has been silvering a lee* since the Duke came in. If he fail to tender satis-

factory explanations, another Reformer will be started, and probably an Anti-Reformer also.

There are five candidates in the field for Hastings. Mr. Planta, Mr. Musgrave Briscoe, and Mr. Elphinstone, besides the present Members, Messrs. North and 1Varre.—Briyhtua Gazette.

Sir Adolphus Dalrymple comes forward for Brighton. Sir Adolphus is only known as an untiring supporter of decided Tory measures. It is Captain Pechell's intention again to solicit the suffrages of the elec- tors. Mr. Laurence Peel's name has been tnentioned, hut without authority. The sitting Members have yet made no manifestation.— Brighton Guardian.

Sir C. R. Blunt, of Heathfield Park, will offer himself again for Lewes. A report has been current in the borough that Mr. Dawson would present himself as a candidate.

A requisition has been numerously signed, calling upon Messrs. Rowland Alston and Thomas Brand, to conic forward as candidates in the Reform interest for the county of Hertford. The former gentle- man was beaten at the last election by Lord Grilustone, by a slight majority of 47 out of 1744. The Reformers of all classes and shades of opinion will unite in their favour.

Mr. Langston, the Whig Member for Oxford, huts taken fright, and promises to take flight at the next election. Ile has announced Isis intention of not offering himself again, and Mr. Maclean, the Conser- vative candidate commenced a very active canvass.—Standard.

The Committee of Messrs. Carter and Baring have agreed to sup- port those gentlemen again for Portsmouth. Amongst other candidates named, are Admiral Napier, Col. Gurrwood, a Wellingtonian, Admiral Sir R. Stopford, Lord Adolphus Fitzelarence, Mr. Wilson Croker, and Admiral Sir Edward Brown.

Mr. Hutt and Mr. Hill are both again in the field for Hull, with every prospect of being reelected.

Mr. Blackbunie will probably be reelected for Huddersfield.

The Tories have called upon Mr. Stuart Wortley to come forward for Wakefield ; but Mr. D. Gaskell's friends are confident of return- ing him.

Mr. Charles Wood and Mr. Protheroe are the Liberal candidates for Halifax : Mr. Briggs is withdrawn, as the Radicals insist upon having one Member.

Mr. Turner and Dr. Bowring will be supported by the Blackburn Liberals. It is not stated whether Mr. Fielden will retire, or stand a contest.

Mr. Hornby, the Whig Member for Warrington, will be opposed by Mr. Blackburn, an Anti-Reformer.

The Tories are stirring to get up an opposition to Mr. Burton at Beverley.

Mr. Marshall retires from Leeds, on account of weak health. Mr. Baines and Mr. F. H. Fawkes arc the Liberal candidates, and Sir John Beckett the Tory favourite for the borough.

Messrs. Poulett Thomson and Mark Phillips will again be sup- ported by the Manchester Reformers. Their opponents have named Mr. J. T. Hope for their candidate.

The Hampshire Whigs and Radicals have agreed to vote again for Lord Palmerston and Sir George Stanton.

Messrs. Bewes and Collier will probably be opposed y Sir J. Cockburn and Lord Borrington for the representation of Plymouth. Mr. Croke'. and Admiral Parker are talked of, in opposition to Sir E. Codrington and Sir George Grey, for Devonport.

Mr. H. W. Hobhouse has announced himself a candidate for the representation of the city of Bath, and Admiral Sir C. Boyle for the borough of Frome.

Mr. Buller and Mr. Divett have determined on again offering them.. selves for Exeter. The Conservatives are on the alert for Mr. Follett.

Lord Howick has addressed the electors of the Northern Division of Northumberland. He states that he is desirous of removing every abuse, but that he is not inclined to support any further changes.

Mr. Wolverley Attwood, son to the Member for Whitehaven, it is expected, be put in nomination by the Conservatives of Ripon.— Standard.

Captain Polhill is a candidate for Bedford. Sir Hussey Vision is expected to offer himself to represent Windsor.

Droitwich, where Lord Foley's interest has been hitherto con- sidered predominant, will probably be the scene of a contest, as Mr John Barneby, an Anti-Reformer, has offered himself as a candidate.

Sir Frederick Johnstone and Mr. George Bankes, are the Tory candidates for Weymouth ; but it will be a difficult matter to unseat Mr. Fowell Buxton.

The Reformers of St. Alban's passed resolutions, on Wednesday night, approving of the conduct of Mr. Ward ; who was present, and addressed the meeting.

Messrs. Wyndham and Brodie will again offer themselves for Salisbury. Mr. Biggs Andrews is talked of as the Radical candidate for Norwich.

Lord Russell, Colonel Fox, and perhaps Sir Francis Knowles, n "1 be candidates for Tavistock.

Lord John Russell and Mr. Bulteel again came forward for South, and Lord Ehrington and Mr. Newton Fellowes for North Devon. Sir John Yarde Buller is the Tory candidate for the former, and probably Sir T. D. Acland for the latter division of the county.

Mr.. Peter is expected to retire from Bodmin.

Sir T. S. Spry w:11 stand again; and the Tories wish to have Lord Elliot.

In East Cornwall, Sir W. Molesworth and Mr. Trelawney will, it is expected, be opposed by Lords Valletort and Elliot.

The Tories intend to start Lord Francis Egerton and Mr. Holton for South Lancashire. Sir Howard Douglas's partisans are canvassing for him in Liverpool ; and both Lord Sandon and Mr. Ewart will be candidates, though it has been reported that the former may retire.

The Earl of Kerry will again be elected for his father's borough of Caine.

Mr. Hawkes's friends are canvassing in Dudley.

Mr. Bolton King, Mr. W. W. Whitmore, Mr. Phillips, and Mr. Godson, are talked of for Kidderminster.

At Tewkesbury, the present Members, Messrs Tracy and Martin, and Mr. Dowdeswell, a Tory, are preparing for a contest.

The Tories threaten Captain Berkeley with an opposition for Chel- tenham.

Mr. Turner, a barrister, is announced for Leominster.