Mr. Baring, the Under Secretary of the Treasury, and Mr.
Stanley, the Under Secretary for the Home Department have resigned office. Tuesday's Gazette contains the appointment of the Duke of Wel- lington, Lord Rosslyn, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Maryborough, Sir John Beckett, and Mr. Planta, to be Commissioners of the Treasury.
The further porogation of Parliament took place on Tuesday after- noon, in the Lords' Library, as before. The Peers named in the corn. mission were, the Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Rosslyn, and Lord Hill. The day to which the Parliament stands prorogued is Thursday, the 18th of December.
Lord Brougham, the papers say, gave his "last sitting" to Mr. Belmes, the sculptor. Mr. Behnes has the merit, therefore, of having been present at the "last sitting" of a Chancellor who fancied his sittings were to last for ever.—Post.