A version of the French vaudeville Les Petites Misires has
been pro- .siuced this week at the Haymarket. The petty Miseries of Human Life -are intensely exemplified by Mr. Webster, as Ally Croaker, a peevish, irri- table old bachelor, whose fretfulness is never at a loss for an excuse to :show itself. Tilbury as an easy-tempered man who takes everything plea- santly, and Mrs. Humby as a waiting-maid perplexed by old Croaker's M humours, help the fun of the piece, which pleased the majority of the _audience.
The Maiden Aunt seems to be getting into the good graces of the town. -The proceedings of the other personages having been abridged, the " Maiden Atalt" herself appears to greater advantage in the charming personation of Itirs. Glover.