The agitation of the Paris Bourse is still the subject
of Thursday's papers. The .124forme states that eight bankruptcies were declared at the Tribunal of Com- merce of Paris on Monday last; the engagements of the bankrupts amounting to above 2,000,900 francs.
The Caledonia steam-ship arrived at Liverpool last evening, with advices from Boston to the 16th instant. The Oregon is almost the exclusive subject of dis- cussion. The general tone of public feeling bad greatly calmed down; but the semi-official Union, of Washington, had come out with a declaration, that, as a matter of right, the United States ought to have "the whole of the Oregon or none"; expressing its confidence that Congress would "extend to them" our citizens of Oregon"] a participation of our own free Republican government."
According to the American papers, it was "all but officially known" that amicable relations with Mexico would be resumed: Mexico had made pacific Overtures to the Government at Washington, and they had been favourably received.
Mr. Webster had delivered a long ..wh in Faneuil Hall. He strongly incul- cated peace with England, and hinted at a new mode of settling the Oregon dis- pute—erecting that territory into an independent state, with the sanction both of England and the United States. He made some bitter allusion to our exclusive tariff of customs-duties.
Advices from Canada, to the 13th instant, contain the official announcement that Lord Metcalfe's health was "steadily improving."