By the side of the more genteel comedy at the.
Princess's, may be placed a roaring farce, by Mr. Morton, brought out with great success at the Haymarket ; and ' supported by.Buckstone who gives a. high-Pressure.
action to his drollery. Can anything be more laughably dismal. than,the. position of a gentleman, who, thinking to recover a stolen watch from the fob of a supposed thief, picks the pocket of an innocent man, and then learns the melancholy truth from the sight of his own watch, which he finds be has left on his dressing-table ? And when the same unfortunate individual drops his name, and finds it. taken up by another. person, who• likewise assumes to be the husband of his (the involuntary robber's) wife, what can be more ludicrous than his distress, as setforthby the dialogue of Morton and the acting of Buckstone ? The name of the novelty is The Two Bonnycaetles.