The unsettled state of France, as evinced by the fluctuating money-market of Paris, has caused a downward move in our own Funds. Consols, which were at 99, have for the last few days been oscillating between 981 and 984, and close this afternoon at 984 4. The late rise has brought Stock to market, and money has been more in demand than for some time, although the rate of interest on loans upon the security of English Stock is still from 2 to 3 per cent. Today, at the settlement of the Foreign Account, money was scarce in the Foreign Market, where the speculation now going forward in Railway Shares has been the cause of high rates being paid to carry over accounts to the 16th December. The payments upon the Sardinian Loan, the last of which (to the amount of 15 per cent less the dividend) becomes due on Mon- day, have aided in the absorption of capital. Of the total loan of 3,500,0001., it is supposed that rather more than two millions are held in this country. Employ ment has thus been found for about 1,700,0001. more capital during the last six months. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been more extensive than usual. Brazilian and Portuguese of 1824 are still in demand ; the former having today been at 944, and the latter at 92. Mexican Stock has expe- rienced little fluctuation; the range of variation being from 231 to 24. Pe- ruvian has advanced about 1 per cent, and is more inquired after. The other South American Stocks are without change. Spanish Active Stock is without material variation : it is understood that the conversion of the Ac- tive into the New Stock is to commence immediately, and that the usual formal notice by advertisement will appear tomorrow. Portuguese Four per Cents are also steady, with a tendency to improvement. The Railway Shure Market has experienced some fluctuations, and the re- sult of the week's business has been to establish the closing quotations of today rather in advance of those of last week. Among the notices of new undertakings, is one of a line from Hounslow to Oxford, to be carried out jointly by the South-western and North-western, as a means of crippling the Great Western. The "battle of the gauges" will consequently be re- newed in the next session, unless Parliament should step in, and prevent the Companies from carry ing out a scheme which can only bring profit to the undertakers by the ruin of the Great Western. Perhaps, after all, the plan is only resorted to as a means of bringing about a more favourable ar- rangement of the many points in dispute between the two great Companies. The French Shares have experienced some fluctuation, and in the course of the week have fallen generally from 5s. to 10s. They are all, however, higher this afternoon, in consequence of intelligence by telegraph of an im- provement in the prices of them in Pans today.
The English Funds are steady at the closing prices of yesterday, with little doing. The French Funds fell 5 cents yesterday in Paris, the last price of the Five per Cents being 91.50. In the Foreign Market prices are nearly the same as yesterday, An advertisement has appeared this morning notify- ing the appointment of the London and County Bank, Lombard Street, as agents to the Committee for the conversion of the Spanish Debt ; and stating that the bonds will be received daily till the 31st December for conversion, and that the dividend for the half-year ending 31st December next will only be paid upon such bonds as shall have been presented for conversion on or before that day. A notice has since, however, been sent to the Stock Exchange by Senor Borrajo, the Commissioner, extending the period for the conversion without forfeiture of the dividend to 31st March 1852. The Rail- way Share Market is firm ; the following are the principal transactions- Anabergate, 51 ; Chester and Holyhead, 214; Great Northern, 174 ; Brighton, 954; Midland, 56; ; North Staffordshire, 94 ; York and North Midland, 23.
SATCHDAY Two o'Ctocx.
The English Funds have been steady all day at the morning's quotations, with but little business doing. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Active Stock has advanced, and after being at 21' closes at 21 to 4. Buenos Ayres Stock has improved, and from 50 has reached 51f. Brazilian still continues in demand and has been done at 94. The following are the actual bargains recorded—. Brazilian, 94 934 ; Buenos Ayres, 50 511; Chili, 094 ; Grenada, 144; Mex- ican, 234 1 ; Peruvian, 884 91 ; Ditto Deferred, 43 41 ; Russian Four-and- a-half, 1034; Sardinian Fii.e per Cents, 841 ; Spanish Active, 20 1 21; Ditto Passive, 51; Ditto Three per Cents, 40; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 594 ; Ditto F The Railway Share Market is firm, and prices still continue advancing. The following are the principal transactions—Aberdeen, 114 124 12 ; Amber- te, Notts, and Boston, 54 4; Bristol and Exeter, 80; Caledonian, 164 4 4; m Counties, 64 7 ; East Lancashire, la/ ; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 28 ; Great Northern, 174 18 ; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 54 4; Great West- ern, 87 88 74 881 ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 80 1; Lancashire and Yorkshire, .58; Ditto Fifths, 54; London and North-western, 1171 17 18' 174;Ditto Fifths, 15 141 ; London and South-western, 87; Ditto New 504, 36; Mid- land, 564 71; North British, 71 8; North Staffordshire, 94 1; Oxford, Wor- cester, and Wolverhampton, 161 ; Scottish Central, 15; Scottish Midland, 94 ; South-eastern and Dover, 214 4 4; York, Newcastle, andBerwick, 194 4 Ditto Extension, 14; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 6; York and North Midland, 23 24 31 ; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 294; Leeds and Bradford, 101f ; Chester and Holyhead, 154 ; Eastern Counties Exten- sion 5 per Cent, No. 2, 4 prem. ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 134 1; Bou- logne and Amiens, 101; Namur and Liege, 61 1 1 ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 44 1; Paris and Rouen, 231; Rouen and Havre, 84 4.
3 per Cent Consols 98' 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 59i 1
Ditto for Account 984 Ditto 4 per Cents 90
3 per Cent Reduced
97 8 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846... 23 4
34 per Cents 984 99 Peruvian 6 per Cents 88 90
Long Annuities 7 1-16 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 334 44
Ban k Stock 215 217 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 91 93 4xchequer Bills 53 6 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 111 118
India Stock 263 5 Ditto 44 per Cents 3034 I Brazilian 5 per Cents 93 95 Spanish Active 5 per Cents.. 21
Belgian 44 per Cents 88 90 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 394 404
Chilian 6 per Cents 99 101 Sardinian Scrip 14 0 die.
Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Ditto Bonds 83 44
Danish 3 per Cents 76 8
As Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 224 day of Nov. 1851.
1680i DC/sari/ENT.
Notes issued £29,459,485 Government Debt
Other Securities Gold Coin apd Bymoo
Silver Bullion
£11,015,101 3,984,SOD 19.431.110 33,326
Proprietors' Capital
R Publicc Deposits'
Other Deposits
Seven Day and otherBilis 11/3111K0 DIIPART1CUIT.
£14,569,00 Government Securities: (in-
maxis. Moiling Dead VieightAnnuity) £13,241,768 7,900,941 Other Eecurities 11,580,620
0,290,486 Notes 10,104;266
1,169,317 Gold and Sliver Colti 640,700
E85,496,262 £35,496,262
• including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of Natbmal Debt. A. Dividend/4'4:UL