WAR41EFICE, Nov. 21.—Her Majesty has been pleased to appoint the undermen- tioned officers of the East India Company's Forces to take rank by Brevet in her Majesty's Army in the East Indies only, as follow. The commissions to be dated the Ilth of Nov. 1801. Major-Generals to be Lieutenant-Generals—B. Kennett, Bombay Infantry, R. Which, Bombay Artillery, A. Andrews, C.B. Madras Infantry, J. Annity, Bengal Artillery, J. Cock, Bengal Infantry, C. M'Leod, C.B. Madras Infantry, E. W. Shuld- ham, Bombay Infantry, W. Sandwith, C.B. Bombay Infantry, M. Boyd, Bengal In- fantry, J. Al'Innes, Bengal Infantry, J. F. Salter, C.B. Bombay Infantry, P. Byres, Bengal Infantry, E. Cartwright, Bengal Infantry, II. G. A. Taylor, C.B. Madras Infantry, A. Richards, C.B. Bengal Infantry, A. Watson, Bengal Cavalry, B. B. Parlby, C.B. Madras Infantry, II. Hodgson, Bengal Infantry, Sir R. II. Cunliffe, Bart. C.B. 'Bengal Infantry, J. Truscott, Bengal Infantry, J. Woulfe, Madras In- fantry, E. M. G. Showers, Madras Artillery. F. W. Wilson, C.B. Madras Infantry, J. Collette, Madras Cavalry, P. Cameron, Madras Cavalry, J. Carfrae, Madras In- fantry, R. West, Madras Infantry, G. Jackson, Madras Infantry, II. Iluthwaite, Bengal Infantry, T. Wilson, C.B. Bengal Infantry, 0. Swiney, Bengal Artillery, Sir G. Pollock, G.C.B. Bengal Artillery, S. Goodfellow, Bombay Engineers, A. Lindsay, C.B. Bengal Artillery, J. S. Fraser, Madras Infantry, P. Delamotte, C.B. Bombay Cavalry, Sir W.:R. Gilbert, Bart. G.C.B. Bengal Infantry, T. P. Smith, Bengal In- fantry, E. Frederick, C.B. Bombay Infantry, O. B. Brooks' Bombay Infantry, P. Lodwick, Bombay Infantry, J. Morse, Bombay Infantry, S. 11. Tod, Bengal Infantry, J. Briggs,' Madras Infantry, II. Thornsor. Bengal Cavalry, J. Kennedy, C.B. Bengal Cavalry,'13. Roope, Bengal Infantry, C. W. Hamilton, Bengal Infantry, E. F. Wa- ters, C.D. Bengal Infantry, W. M. Burton, Madras Artillery, Sir W. S. Whisk, X.C.B. Bengal Artillery, G. Hunter, C.B. Bengal Infantry, R. Ci Andrea, Bengal Infantry, E. Wyatt, Bengal Infantry, G. H. Steuart, Madras Infantry, M. Cuhbon, Madras Infantry, S. R. Stover, Bombay Artillery, T. Shubriek, Bengal Cavalry, W. H. Kernm, Bengal Infantry, T. King, Madras Infantry, T. Morgan, Bombay Infan- try, L. C.- Russell, C.B. Bombay Artillery, D. liltLeo I, Bengal Engineers, W. Cullen, Madras Artillery, D. Barr, Bombay Infantry, Sir J. H. Littler, G.C.B. Bengal In- fantry, W. Vincent, Bengal Infantry, T. Marrett, Madras Infantry, S. Smith, Ben- gal Cavalry, T. H. Paul, Bengal Infantry, E. Barton, Bengal Infantry, H. T. Ro- berts, C.B. Bengal Cavalry, F. Farquharson, Bombay Infantry, Sir 41. Pottinger, Bart. G.C.B. Bombay Infantry, J. Caulfeild, C.B. Bengal Cavalry, R. Tickell, C.B. Bengal Engineers. Mojors to be Lieutenant-Colonels—L. IL Smith, 6th Bengal Cavalry, J. Fitzgerald, 2d Bengal,. Cavalry, W. Cogh.lan, Bombay Artillery, P. Anstruther,, C.B. Madras Artillery, A. J. Hadfield, 37th Madras Native Infantry, T. W. Hands, 2d Madras European Regt., A. Pinson, 46th Madras Native Infantry, F. Jenkins, 47th Bengal Native Thfantryi J. F.Rird,,22d•Madras Native Infantry, T. Sewell, 11th Bengal Na- tive Infantry, Ge M. C. Smyth, 3d Bengal, Cavalry. Captains to be Mgjors—R. Farquhar, 8th Bombay Native Infantry, F. Knyyett, 64th Bengal Native Infantry; W. IV. Dunlop, Seth Madras Native Infantry, C. Mac- leod, 42elladras Native Infantry, N. S. Nesbitt, 22d Bengal Native Infantry, C. A. Stewart, 16th Bombay Native Infantry, G. S. Brown; 27th Bombay Native Infantry, D. Ross, 51st Bengal Native Infantry, E. Du Pre Townshenel, 9th Bengal Native In- fantry, W. J. B. linyvett, 88th Bengal Light Infantry. H. Cotton, 67th Bengal Na- tive Infantry,,11. Lyell, 43d Bengal Light Infantry, W. T. Boddam, 2d Madras Ca- valry, J. Forbes, 2e1 Madras. European Light Infantry, C. F. Liardet, 14th Madras Native Infantry, G. Gordon, 48th Madras Native Infantry, W. II. Budd, 31st Madras Native Infantry, J. Alexander,- 8th Madras Cavalry, N. D. Barton, 6th Bengal Ca- valry, P. T. French, 23d Bombay Light Infantry, E. Skipper, 7th Bombay-Native Infantry, G. N. Prior, SlatBombay Native Infantry, T. Dalyell, 42d Bengal Light Infantry, C. Birdwood, 3d Bombay Native Infantry, 0. C. Armstrong, 47th Ben Native Infantry, R. W. Fraser, 45th Bengal Native I., R. Chitty, 40th Bengal N. I., J. Whistler, 6th Madras Cavalry, W. S. Menteath, 69th Bengal Native Infantry, E. Watt, 6th Bengal Cavalry, R. Shortreed, 2d Bombay European Light Infantry, J. Holland, 28th Bombay Native Infantry, S. R. Bagshawe, 7th Bengal Native Infantry, G. Pope, 22d Bombay Native Infantry, H. W. Burt, 46th Bengal Native Infantry, T. G. Fraser, 29th Bombay Native Infantry, G. Wilson, 26th Bombay Native Infan- try, C. Boulton, 47th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Anderson, 59th Bengal Native Infantry, R. Cluterbuck, 38th Madras Native Infantry, S. F. Mackenzie, 2d Madras Cavalry, D. Strettell, 20th Madras Native Infantry, C. Yates, 46th Madras Native Infantry, J. C. Boulderson, 35th Madras Native I., J. W. Rickards. 21st Madras Na- tire Infantry, W. E. Gibb, 14th Madras Native Infantry, J. S. Du Vernet, 2,1 Madras European Light Infantry, T. D. Colyear, 7th Bengal Cavalry, S. A. Lyons, 34th Ben- gal Native Infantry, G. C. T. Stockley, 7th Bombay Native Infantry, F. IL Bazeley, Bengal Artillery, H. Vetch. 54th Bengal Native Infantry, W. Purees, 9th Bombay Native Light Infantry, G. Jackson, 11th Madras Native Infantry, H. S. Waters, 3d. Madras Cavalry, C. Bazeley, 51st Bengal Native Infantry, J. thissell. 46th Bengal Native Infantry, J. H. Hampton, 50th Bengal Native Infantry, J. II. Wakefield, 17th Pengal Native Infantry, H. Kirke, 12th Bengal Native Infantry, H. Pritchard, 8tli Madras Native Infantry, E. Whichelo, 9th Bombay Native Infantry, H. D. Maitland, 72d Bengal N. I., S. II. Partridge, 18th Bombay N. I., A. the Butts, Madras Engineers, F. Gaitskell, Bengal Artillery, G. Clarkson, 12th Bombay Native Infantry, H. Aston, 10th Bombay Native Infantry, S. Landon, 16th Bombay Native Infantry, A. Park, 29th Bengal Native Infantry, K. Young, 50th Bengal Native Infantry, A. R. J. Swinton, 32,1 Bengal Native Infantry, J. Powell, 28th Bengal Native infantry, 1'. F. Blois, Ilth Bengal Native Infantry, T. K. Whistler, Madras Artillery, J. Hunt, 22d Bengal Native Infantry, J. Fulton, 5th Bengal Native Infantry, A. G. Young, 43d Madras Native Infantry, H. J. M'George, 7th Bengal Native Infantry, J. Wil- cox, 4th Bengal Native Infantry, E. P. Del'Hoste, 27th Bombay Native Infantry, C. Dickson, 51st Bengal Native Infantry, II. W. Matthews, 4311 Bengal Light Infantry, D. Graham, 28th Bombay Native Infantry, B. S. Sullivan, 4th Madras Cavalry, P. Shaw, ilth Madras Native Infantry, II. B. Blone 7th Madras Cavalry, E. T. Tier- ney, 28th Bengal Native Infantry, C. Prior, 640 Bengal Native Infantry, T.- S. Price, Sth Bengal Native Infantry, W. W. Apperley, 4th Bengal Native Cavalry, W. Cantis, 15th Madras Native Infantry, E. Vibart, 2i1 Bengal Cavalry, C. Cooper, 23d Bengal Native Infantry, .1. H. Blanshard, 63d Bengal Native Infantry, E. Buckle, Madras Engineers, W. Cross, 38th Madras Native Infantry. J. Bates, 40th Madras Native Infantry, Edmund Vera Peregrine Holloway, 4211 Madras Native In- fantry, Stuart Bayly, 26th Madras Native Infantry, F. Burgoyne, Madras Artillery, 0. W.V. Simpson, Madras Artillery, W. J. Martin, 9th Bengal Native Infantry, G. R. Hamilton, 34th Bengal Native Infantry, J. De Winter C. J. Moir, 28th Bengal Native Infantry, IV. C. Birch, 5th Bengal Native Infantry, M. Hyslop, 59th Bengal Native Infantry, A. Barker, 1st Madras Fusileers,t T. Back, 2,1 Madras Native In- fantry, C. Norgate, 18th Bengal Native Infantry, D. T. Caddy, 70th Bengal Native Infantry, J. J. Loeb, 9th Madras Native Infantry, II. S. Watkin, 15th Bombay N. I., T. Lai le, Madras Artillery, F. A. Miles, Bengal Artillery, T. lit'Goun, 6th Madras N. I., W. Jervis, 42d Bengal Native I., E. Baker, 32d Madras Native I„ N. IL Thornbury, 4th Bombay Native Infantry, E. A. Guerin, 2d Bombay European Light Infantry, R. 11. Scale, 20th Bengal Native Infantry, C. S. Reid, Bengal Artillery, E. Sunderland. Bengal Artillery, G. Briggs, Madras Artillery, J. Maitland, Madras Ar- tillery, M. Watts' Madras Artillery, A. J. Begbie, Madras Artillery, IL Ramsay, 10th Bengal Native Infantry, F. W. Burroughs, 17th Bengal Native Infantry, C. Apthorp, 41st Bengal Native Infantry, J. Graham, 5th Bengal Native Infantry, AV. E. An- drews, 73,1 Bengal Native Infantry, G. Tebbs, 33d Bengal Native Infantry, T. Jack- son, 10th Bombay Native Infantry, G. Timins, 34th Bengal Native Infantry, S. Parr, 23d Bombay Native Light Infantry, H. A. Shnekburgli, 40th Bengal Native In- fantry, W. II. Nieholetts, 28th Bengal Native Infantry, G. Fulljatnes, SillsBombay N. I., II. D. Sheppard, 19th Madras N. I., It. H. Wardell, 5th Bombay Native I., F. C. Mar-den, 29th Bengal Native Infantry, J. V. Snook, 23d Bengal Native Infan- try, A. C. Dewar, 37th Bengal Native Infantry, C. Brown, 18th Bengal Native Infan- try-, J. W. Coates, 6th Madras Native Infantry, G. P. Ricketts, 1st Bengal Cavalry, T. M. E. AI oorhouse, 35th Bengal Native Infantry, J. D. Wilson, 18th Bengal Na- tive Infantry, J. F. Porter, 1st Madras Cavalry, T. T. Christie, 1701 Bombay Native Infantry, A. A. Drummond, 11th Bombay Native Infantry, If. C. Morse, 8th-Bom- bay Native Infantry, II. Green, 18th Madras Native Infantry, R. Gill, 44th Madras Native Infantry, W. C. Onslow, 44th Madras Native Infantry, W. E. Lockhart, 45th Madras Native Infantry, Be Rennie J. Brett, Slat Madras Native Infantry, II. Col- beck, 4th Madras Native Infantry, S. C. Briggs, . 31st Madras Native Infantry, G. Forter, 49th Madras Native Infantry, C. W. Hodson, 16th Madras Native Infantry, W. II. Rickards, 14th Bengal Native Infantry, C. J. Richardson, 57th Bengal Na- tive Infantry, J. K. Phibbs,.41st Bengal Native Infantry, F. A. Williamson, tllid Bengal Native Infantry, D..Nisbett, 53d Bengal Native Infantry, J. Holmes, 12th Bombay Native Infantry. W. Ward, Madras Artillery, A. F. Oakes, Madras Artillery,
H. Marsh, 3d Bengal Cavalry, W. .1. Morris, 9th Bombay Native Infantry, A. F. Macpherson, 43d Bengal Light Infantry, J. M. Drake, 46th Bengal Native Infantry, W. C. Stather, 1st Bombay- Grenadier Native Infantry, G. P. Thomas, 64th Bengal Native Infantry, C. A. Brow Mow, 3d Bengal Cavalry, E. B. Bryant, 68th Bengal Na- tive Infantry, D. Wilkie, 4th Bengal Native Infantry, A. II. Duncan, 43d Bengal Light Infantry, R. Ouseley, 5001 Bengal Native Infantry. A. Fitz Gerald, Bengal
Artillery, 0. C. Fitzgerald, Bengal Artillery, W. P. Meares, 42d Bengal Light Infantry, C. S. Guthrie, Bengal Engineers, C. P. Wilder, Gth Madras Cavalry, J. Kilner, Bombay Engineers, W. K. Babington, 17th Madras Native Infantry, J. B. Younger, 26th Bengal Native Infantry, G. Larkins, Bengal Artillery, George Murray, 8th Bengal Cavalry, George Alexander Tolloeh, 33d Madras Native Infantry, T. Quin, 4th Bengal Cavalry, It. R. W. Ellis, 23d Bengal Native Infantry, L. P. D. Eld, 9th Bengal Native Infantry, F. C. Alinchin, 67th Bengal Native Infantry, J. B. Arrow, 15th Madras Native Infantry, C. Pattenson, 4th Bengal Native Infantry, E. Lawford, Madras Engineers, S. Best, Madras Engineers, U. Montgomery, Madras Artillery, AV, K. Loyd, Madras Artillery, T. Martin, 20th Bengal Native Infantry, J. II. Kennedy, 47th Madras Native Infantry, E. Marriot, 57th Bengal Native Infantry.
WAR-OFFICE, Nor. 28.-4th Regt. of Foot—Capt. A. Rutherford, from half-pay Unatt. to be Capt. vice Harrison, who exchanges. 10th Foot—Capt. S. B. Lamb, from the 83d Foot, to be Capt. vice Moore, who exchanges. list Foot—Lieut. W. P. Collingwood, from the 37th Foot, to be First Lieut. vice Evans, who exchanges. 35th Foot—Capt. T. Spring, from the 83d Foot, to be Capt. vice Cooke, appointed to the 83:1 Foot. 37th Foot—First Lieut. II. F. Evans, from the 21st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Collingwood, who exchanges. 42d Foot—Capt. F. G. Wilkinson, from the 43d Foot, to be Capt. vice Cockburn, who exchanges. 43d Foot—Capt. T..H. Cockburn, from the 42d Foot, to be Capt. vice Wilkinson, who exchanges. 75th Foot- Capt. T. C. Dunbar, from the 98th Foot, to be Capt. vice Goodwin, who exchanges. 83d Foot—Capt. 0. F. Moore, from the 10th Foot, to be Capt. vice Lamb, who ex- changes ; Capt. E. B. Cooke, from the 35th Foot, to be Capt. vice Spring, appointed to the 35th Foot. 95th Foot—Lieut. J. N. Sargent to be Adjt. vice Dental, pro- moted. 98th Foot—Capt. H. W. Goodwyn, from the 75th Foot, to be Capt. vice Dunbar, who exchanges.
Staff.—To be Aides-de-Camp to the Queen—Col. C. Menzies, of the Royal Ma- rines, vice Parke, promoted ; Lieut.-Col. T. Wearing, of the Royal Marines, with the rank of Col. vice Owen, promoted.
Brevet.—Brevet Lieut.-Col. J. A. Butler, half-pay Unatt. to be Col. in the Army. Nemorandum.—The Commission of Brevet Major II. B. II. Roeeers (a Staff Officer of Pensioners) has been dated 9th Nov. 1846, and not 11th Nov. 1851, as previously stated. OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, Nov. 26.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—Second Lieut. C. J. Dowse to be First Lieut. vice Place, resigned.