29 NOVEMBER 1879, Page 13


go THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") .SIR,—Referring to your article on "Bag v. Plate," I think it will be found that with a middle and high-class congregation much more will be collected in plates, and in a low-class con- gregation in bags. My own experience as a churchwarden and -.otherwise has been that many people ostentatiously put gold into plates and drop silver into bags) but that poor people are ashamed to put their coppers into the plates, but freely drop them into bags. I hardly think the objection to making small payments at numerous collections proceeds from meanness. It is the disagreeable feeling of being constantly asked for money that annoys. I know many who would far rather give a sove- reign in one payment, than ten shillings in twenty payments of sixpence each.—I am, Sir, Sm.,