It was not to be expected that the rapid and
rigorous British action would escape foreign criticism, and the original suspension of judgment in France has been followed by distinctly unfavourable criticism. The general sense of the criticism is that Great Britain has some ulterior motive and that there is no reason why French interests should be subordinated to what Great Britain deems to be her minimum requirements. Fortu- nately Great Britain is able to show that what she has done has in fact had very successful results and that her policy is really framed in a spirit of trusteeship for every foreign resident in Egypt. The Cairo corre- spondent of the Times says that French residents in Egypt were surprised when they read the comments in the French newspapers. " It is considered that the French Press does not appreciate the situation in Egypt . . . The colony feels that its safety is threatened and warmly approves the measures taken. . . . In view of the situation it was imperative to act promptly."
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