PANDORA LIFTS THE LID: By C. Morley and Don Mar q uis.
(Cape. is. 6d. net.) Towards the end of the first decade of the present century a small boy was observed in a fit of severe abstraction. On inquiry by his parents as to the cause of this, he observed, " I was thinking of the beautiful stories of smugglers which my children's children will have told them if Tariff Reform comes in." Prohibition in America obviously has the same delightful result for the narrator of such stories, of which Pandora Lifts the Lid is an excellent example. The personnel of a schoolgirl escapade gets mixed up with bootleggers on a small island inside a bay in Long Island Sound, with the result that many strange and most entertaining things happen. The book is written in the highest spirits and may be recommended- as a sure antidote for depression.