"The Spectator" Crossword No. 166
IA prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this ?veers I
crossword puzzle to tee opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received wit later than first post on "I'nesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on 2'uesday. Solutions should be on the farm appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions mast bear a three-halfpciiny stamp. otherwise they arc surcharged on delivery.)
121 18
10 111 12
15 1
16 17 L
HI 20 24 25
22 26
..... 29 3
31 32
33 1
1. Ecclesiastical sprinkler.
10. Some tall tales aro told about him I
14. In 28 across..
15. Has music at his finger-tips. 17. Henry III was defeated near here.
10. Use him to get through a locked door.
21. A short opening.
22. This meets itself running back to the start.
2u. 1.
20. He says use frugality, but doesn't practise what ho preaches.
28. Noted for brilliant colour when dying.
32. In the
33. W I
34. Pain in a drum.
35. Mends bad tin (anag.j.
DOWN 1. &.
'2. Amiable retinue ?
3. River which is a large open ditch.
4. Inquire and got around it.
5. Vowels, 6. Every vessel has this.
7. Unsecured.
8. Each one was recently returned. 0. This is not paid. 11. Nasty.
12. rev. In 20.
13. Arch.
16. rev. " God knows, my son, By what by-Paths and indirect crook'd ways
• I . . . this crown." 18. An adjective full of force. 20. A fruity dramatic character. 23. rev. Without including the navy. 24. 20 was to write a ballad about one.
27. " Innumerable of stains and splendid . . . s
28. A pupil of Balakirev.
29. God of the kitchen ?
30. In 26.
31. I bog your pardon ?