The Archbishop of Canterbury has a genius for expressing the
general thought in fitting language on great occasions, and nothing could have been better than his simple tribute at Earl' Jellicoe's funeral in St; Paul's on Monday to " a great sailor, a great Englishman and a great Christian." We can never quite forget that we are an island race, and even if Haig had been laid beside Wellington it would still' seem a greater thing that Jellicoe should be laid beside Nelson. How Trafalgar compares with Waterloo in English • history may be matter of debate, but Jutland, for all its incon- clusiveness, stands out beyond any land battle in the four years of war. Jellicoe's merits as a strategist will be argued to all eternity. If he had been able to fight in 1916 in the light of knowledge available now (some of it would have been available to him then if he had been better served in certain respects), the German High Seas Fleet would never have got hack to port. But since it never came 'out of port again the result in the end was much the same, except psychologically—and the psychological factor is far from negligible.