29 NOVEMBER 1946, Page 15

Sta,—Surely Professor Sir Patrick Abercrombie's bellicose comments on the style

of Anthony Trollope's writings are more choleric than critical, and tempt one to challenge his use of such expletives as " disgusting," " old fool," and " filthy drivel"? To say nothing of " piddling." Far from his professed intention of removing his shoes and stockings before " wading through " the remaining volumes of Orley Farm, it would appear that he has already decided to trample them underfoot with hob- nailed boots on! One begins to wish that the Professor's belief in self- education was accompanied by a like regard for self-control when assess- ing the merits and demerits of such an accepted novelist as Anthony Trollope.—Yours, &c., ADRIAN HILL.

Old Laundry Cottage, Midhurst, Sussex.