Sta,—Surely Professor Sir Patrick Abercrombie's bellicose comments on the style
of Anthony Trollope's writings are more choleric than critical, and tempt one to challenge his use of such expletives as " disgusting," " old fool," and " filthy drivel"? To say nothing of " piddling." Far from his professed intention of removing his shoes and stockings before " wading through " the remaining volumes of Orley Farm, it would appear that he has already decided to trample them underfoot with hob- nailed boots on! One begins to wish that the Professor's belief in self- education was accompanied by a like regard for self-control when assess- ing the merits and demerits of such an accepted novelist as Anthony Trollope.—Yours, &c., ADRIAN HILL.
Old Laundry Cottage, Midhurst, Sussex.