SIR,—It is interesting to observe from Mr. J. P. L. Thomas's letter in your issue of November 22nd that the practice stigmatised by more than one Conservative as the " selling of seats " still continues in the Conser- vative Party. The only change, apparently, is that the price has come down. Even at £100 a year and half the election expenses, however, the price is well beyond most people's means. May I ask Mr. Thomas three questions? (i) Can he state positively that no Conservative M.P. or candidate at the recent General Election paid more than half his election expenses, and that none of them contributes more than Do° a year to Party funds? (2) How many Conservative candidates at that election had all their election and constituency expenses paid for them? (3) How does he justify his assertion that the Conservative Party is now the poor party? Many incomes have suffered through the war ; but have the better- off peopla left the Conservative Party? I doubt it.—Yours faithfully,