29 NOVEMBER 1946, Page 29


for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, December loth. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a z)d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.] ACROSS 1. Similarity implies a dearth of plumage. (5, 2, 1, 7.)

9. Green college president. (7.) 10. He produces darns or poetry. (7.) 11. They work, if not by fits and starts, at least in bits. (8.) 12. Male in a little sandhill laughing. (5.) 14. It can be found in the American edition of Dumas. (5.) 15. Seal purse (snag.) (9.) 16. They contain all the winners-and losers! (4, 5.) 19. " I have seen Sackerson loose twenty times, and have taken him by the -" (Shakespeare). (5.) 21. Five shillings a head. (5.) 22. The busy potter's inverted demand is lethal. (8.) 25. Poor see (anag.) (7.) 26. Vegetables and fish. (7.) 27. One with a walking-on part in half a score of depressions. (15.)


1. A passable fellow, it depends on the opposition. (4.) 2. This place seems to be the sequel to " Speed the plough." (7.) 3. Gray urn. (7.) 4. Exclusive receiver. (5.) 5. An ancient friendly order (9).

6. First year's ecclesiastical revenue. (7.) 7. She becomes a hothead and a plant develops. (7.) 8. Change of garb makes things right. (10.)

13. A cross crew made to protect the harvest. (10.)

15. Tyresome rather than tiresome ? (9.) 17. Couples at short range. (5, 2.) 18. What to expect from Frank. (7.) 19. Recent performance. (7.) 20. I can join the Royal Air Force, con- fused as it is. (7.)

23. " A goodly - rotten at the heart " (Shakespeare). (5.)

24. A sinister time in March. (4.)