29 NOVEMBER 1946, Page 5

The cultivation of ground nuts in Central Africa would not

normally be regarded as a subject for party skirmishing, but Mr.

Strachey's announcement on that topic raised issues which Members on both sides of the House were quick to seize. The Minister of Food explained that the development of this new cultivation would ultimately be owned and financed entirely by the Government (loud cheers from the apostles of nationalisation), but that meanwhile the

project would be entrusted to the United Africa Company (loud cheers from the upholders of private enterprise), who at this period would be the most efficient agents (similar cheers), being in due time transferred to a public agency (defiant cheers from nationalisers). A later question, whether the Minister's statement did not amount to an admission that for speed and initiative a private company was the thing, received no answer. Both sides were left contented with their scores.