Intelligence has been received from Western Africa to the 2d
August. It announces the return to Fernando Po of the Queen's steamer, Wilber- force, from the ascent of the Niger to the model-farm of the African Civilization Society, and the bringing away of all the people and pro- perty left there by the Niger expedition. The Wilberforce ascended under command of Lieutenant Webb, with some eight or ten Europeans, who volunteered from Fernando Po; the rest of the ship's company being native Africans. With the exception of the commander, and one of the volunteers, all the Whites were laid up with sickness before the Wilberforce reached the coast ; and latterly the engine bad been worked by a Black boy, who bad learnt its management on board Mr. Jamieson's steamer Etbiope ; the engineers being sick with the rest. "Such a wreck of property" says a private letter from Liverpool, "as was landing at Clarence Cove never was seen."
The natives had not molested the people at the model-farm ; but Mr: Car, who attempted to ascend from the coast in a canoe, had, it is sup- posed, been murdered in the Nun river.