The Month. October, 1864. (Simpkin, Marshall, and. Coo—This. Roman Catholic
monthly magazine has now reached a fourth month, and contains besides an instalment of a tale by Lady Georgiana Fuller- ton a capital notice of the famous Madame Roomier, which is, however, just a little namby-pamby in tone, and a most amusing account of the bearing of the College of Cardinals at the marriage of Napoleon with. Marie Louise, founded on the,recently published memoirs of Cardinal Consalvi. As, however, only thirteen out of twenty-eight cardinals. ventured to stay away from the ceremony, and they did not dare to say what they thought, their courage does not strike one as marvellous- The plea that no one but the Pope could annul a royal marriage was a mere subterfuge. Of course the Pope would ,not annul a marriage which he had himself celebrated. But even the thirteen did not dare to pronounce the marriage with Josephine binding.