The Italian Premier, Signor Crispi, made a speech at Turin
on Tuesday which has excited the attention of all Europe. The drift of it was that something was " done " at Friedrichsrah which will be of service to all Europe ; that Italy desired no war, especially with France, but did not fear one ; that she was warmly allied with Great Britain ; and that the autonomous States of the Balkans must be allowed to develop their distinct nationalities in freedom. Signor Crispi added that he would listen to no discussion about Abyssinia, that Abyssinia had attacked and massacred Italian troops, and that he should con- sequently exact reparation by arms. The speech is not liked in France, where it is discussed with a caution evidently the result of an official hint, audit creates great irritation in Russia. This latter must have been deliberately intended, as there was no special necessity for the reference to the Balkans and the nationalities which Russia is threatening. The speech was a most manly one, but there is something still concealed.