The Daily News of Wednesday publishes a long report from
its " Special Commissioner " in Moscow upon the view taken by great Russian officials of the Czar's Rescript in favour of peace. He has seen all except the Czar and Count. Muravieff, and declares that the Rescript was issued in full sincerity, that the Emperor is devoted to a policy of peace, and that in the opinion of his great servants Russia's " hands are tied behind her back." She must, and will, keep the peace even in the Far East. The majority of the Ministers approve this course, and the Finance Minister is jubilant over it, as releasing him from endless demands for money for fresh armaments. The Commissioner, who has seen the Asiatic Minister for Foreign Affairs, believes that there is no inten- tion of coercing China, and, in short, the " barometer is set dead " in favour of peace. We imagine this is substantially true for the present, Russian Ministers being always " with " the Czar, and it may materially influence the immediate course of events. We have no doubt of the Czar's sin- cerity, but his Majesty must be governed, like every- body else, by events.