29 OCTOBER 1932, Page 29


In March of 1830 it was resolved to take the necessary steps to form such an establishment as had been proposed and resolutions were passed accordingly. A prominent member br Parfiaiiisdt at that time, the Hon. H. Liddell, pointed out that in 1793 the total number of bankruptcies was 1,956. the number of country bankers comprised being 26 and the actual number who stopped payment was 100, while in the nineteen years from 1793 to 1811, 87 commissions of bankruptcy were issued against country bankers. Altogether between 1792 and 1830 no fewer than 294 commissions for bankruptcy were issued against country bankers. Sir Henry Parnell, who presided over the meeting at which Mr. Liddell was the principal speaker, expressed his approbation of the proceedings of the gentlemen who had held meetings already upon the plan of a Bank, now under considera- tion, and he bad no doubt that if their efforts were as effectually supported as there seemed to be every pro- bability they would be, by other commercial gentlemen, the proposed Metropolitan Bank would be easily estab- lished on the best principles and with the greatest ad- vantage to the public.