SIR,—In 1919-1925, after the German Fleet was sunk, we opposed French efforts to protect France against the next German invasion. In 1932 we dismantled many of our shipyards. In 1935-37 we allowed Mussolini to grab Abyssinia, and to put Franco into the saddle in Spain. Did other people do these things, or did we ? What more information did we want ? I don't think that we can shoulder off the responsibility, with Mr. Amery, on to the " intellectuals " (does he disclaim that description ?) ; nor with Sir Walford Selby on to a former head of the Civil Service ; nor again with Mr. Ackland and Sir Alfred Zimmern on to party leaders in the House of Commons. What did Gladstone say in 1883? And whatever he said, did the Tories believe it without further enquiry ? Did the Liberals lap up whatever medicine Lord Randolph Churchill chose to give then? Did the doings of Joseph Chamberlain and Asquith and Carson and Lloyd George pass unchallenged ? In time of war we have to choose our gang leader and obey him ; there is no sense in doing anything else. But in peace-time, in England, we are not obliged to be dumb, driVen cattle.—I am, Sir, yours faithfully, EDWARD PEASE. Guisborough.