Year Book of the United Nations, 1953. (Available from HMSO.)
FOR £4 10s. it is possible to buy 900 pages recording the activities of the United Nations
and its specialised, U lieencies during 1953. ..
The N itself during this per was theca with, and, as the case may be, solved or failed to solve, problems as disparate as the armistice in Korea, the India-Pakistan dispute, the Palestine question, the Moroccan and Tunisian question, the question of Trieste and disarmament, not to mention 'matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not discussed' and a welter of economic and social questions ranging from restrictive business practices to narcotics. The specialised agencies, as always, amaze one with their variety and, often, their obscurity. They range from such old and respectable fields as are covered by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), through the controversial territory of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) to the narrow (and one suspects possibly more useful) confines of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the Intergovern- mental Maritime Consultative Organisation (I MCO).