p 12 3
S i6
awarded each - week - a copy of the D.
Lure edition of Chamberes Ta entieth Cen- tury Dictionary
and a book
tokr re for one guinea. Thew will be
awarded to the ‘enders of the - first two correct solutions opened alter noon oil l'ueuloy week,
ACROSS' 1 Reaction of a contortionist in the bath (8). 5 ' All that beauty, all that --- e'er gave' (Gray) (6). 9 Male dancer evidently made for music (8). 10 ' A citizen of credit and ----" (Cowper) (6). 12 The Red Indian's knife ? (7). 13 Alarming legacy of the Muse of Astronomy (7). 14 City council in the West (7, 5). 17 Screams ' Must I ?' (anag.) (5, 7). 22 Mix a drop of lotion and lubricant (7). 23 He pelts the girl in confusion (7). 24 Movement of fools ? (6). 25 The doyen of Pall Mall ? It's a bit thick (8). 26 Man with whom the dell was awa' (6). 27 Camomile limits infection seemingly (8).
DOWN: 1 Sounds like an appeal to each of the Nine (6). 2 Very powerful in the dance (3-3). 3 That's a big one (7). 4 Stupid Sarah- too much to drink evidently (6-6). 6 A dream-daughter of Elia perhaps (3-4). 7 Hero of Thermopylae (8). 8 All, Damned (anag.) (4-4). 11 Whence to expect a bolt (3, 2, 3, 4). 15 She makes me face both ways on the line (8). 16 Equally I cry over a bit of rice (8). 18 Per- sonification of fabulous 5 (7). 19 That's funny (7). 20 Of this you'll
get the answer (6). 21 ' What if earth he but the of Heaven?' (Milton) (6).
The solution will be published on November 12
The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 804 are as follows: Ilest price to MRS. COOKSON. 19 Poole Road. Bournemouth. and second prize to Mtss P. SPARROW. Marlborough House. Osnaburgh Street, London. N.W.I.