On Tuesday last the police of Cork effected a seizure
of arms at the house of one Herlihy, a schoolmaster in that city. Some of the weapons bore the name of " Allport," and are supposed to have been carried away when Mr. Allport's shop was entered at the time of the Fenian disturbance ; others were Tower-marked, and are alleged to have been stolen during the same movement from the Mallow Militia Barracks ; but a few of the pistols found are said to be quite new, one of them having the stamp of a Bath maker. It is this which alone gives any significance to the seizure. If the arms had all been collected ten or twelve years ago, the affair would only excite surprise on the ground that they had so long escaped detection, and were now discovered when the country is so quiet. But the presence of new pistols would seem to indicate that a veritable insurrectionary armoury may have been brought to light. The return of so many Irish-Americans daring the past two years has possibly been attended by an attempt to revive Fonianism. The police, at any rate, are confident that it has. But the Irish peasantry are too well off at present, to engage in treasonable designs.