The hull of the 'Forest' has been broken up at
last. On Saturday, H.M.S. 'Defence' and the Trinity boatGalatea ' succeeded in dragging the wreck into deep water,—it was the shallowness of the water, it seems, which made it so difficult to get any exploding materials under her,—and then the torpedo took full effect on it and blew it to pieces, and the two ships towed the most formidable portions of the wreck into Portland Roads. It was a pity that the ' Forest ' did not swim as well before turning upside down as she did afterwards, for in that case none of her crew need have been lost. Topsy-turvy institutions like the hull of the Forest,' or the French Republic with an arbitrary despot at its head, have sometimes a nasty way of proving a trifle tougher than even the same institutions on their right bottom.