29 SEPTEMBER 1900, Page 15


. • [TO THE EDITOR or THE *sracrivortil - Sr,—Not one of the various writers of the many interesting lettera Which have appeared recently in the Spectator concern- ing the hospital arrangements in South Africa has - drawn attention to. the very startling, fact that practically all the entifric fever was . due to, -the neglect of the mostelementary hygienic precautions. • Will you allow me to bring before your readers one example of official inertia in the matter of thiiiiiplieition of. the results of modern sanitary 'Science to the. preservation of the health of the men who fight the enemies of the Empire? The filtration of water in the Royal. Navy is still carried out. by means. of a stibst•ance called carbolite," in .spite of the almost unanimous approval by eiperts Of the More Modern Paitetir-Chamberlaird- Since the introduction of the latter into the French Army the number of attacks of enteric have diminished by 62 per cent., and as its use is extended it is expected that eten more favourable results will accrue.—I am, Sir, &c.,

10 Harcourt Street, Dublin. FRANK KENNEDY CAHILL.