29 SEPTEMBER 1900, Page 2

The Chinese Government has, it is 'asserted, taken three steps

this week, all of which show a determination to continue their resistance. Prince Tuan, the Prince of the Blood who has been leader in the recent movement, has been appointed under some title or other which Chinamen understand, head of the Executive. Pekin has been officially declared a city desecrated by the foreigner, and Segan or Sian in Shensi, the ancient metropolis of China, seven hundred miles from any coast

has);@en proclaimed the future capital of the Empire. An "Edict has warned the Viceroys that they'mustcontinue the war on the foreigner under-penalty of death. It. is believed also that fresh levies have been made; awl that they have been ordered to assemble in two provinceithat is, in Steadi for the protection of the Court, and in Pechili for a fresh attempt to regain Pekin as soon as the cold makes communi. cation with the coast more difficult. It is fancied that with the railway cut, swarms of soldiers attacking from all sides, and the people of Pekin in insurrection from hunger, the old Capital may be recovered. This is not, it must be remeinbered, a European war, but a war like iliac of the Niericans against Cortez, in which the .defending generals are willing to expend a hundred for one.