29 SEPTEMBER 1900, Page 2

The war news during the past week has been wholly

good. General Ian Hamilton reached Komati Poort, the place where the Delagoa Railway line enters Portuguese territory, on Wednesday, and ample supplies are being forwarded to our troops from Loureneo Marques. This means that the Boers can get no more supplies, while we can have everything we want direct from the coast. Other events of importance which have taken place at the front during the week are the entry of large numbers of Boers into Portuguese territory and their surrender to the authorities there, the capture of large stocks of Boer sheep and cattle and ammunition, and lastly, the discovery of a number of Boer guns. General Hamilton found in the Crocodile River amongst others two 19.-pounders which belong to Q Battery Royal Horse Artillery, two 75mm. Creuzot guns, two' 3 in. Krupp 1895 pattern, one 75mm. Vickers-Maxim quick-firing mounted gun, number D 4,541, two " Pom-Poms," one 7-pr. r.m.l. Mountain gun, and three muzzle-loading mountain guns, hexagonal-bore. There are probably ott er guns buried, like the body of .Attila, in river graves. It is stated that most of the guns are destroyed, but we may hope not beyond repair, for the Boers were real connoisseurs in artillery and never bought a bad weapon. Lord Roberts has wisely decided not to fix a date for his return, but that the war is practically over is clear. We may add that on Friday news was received that General Settle has relieved the small garrison besieged at Schweizerrenneke after an engagement in which the Boers suffered heavy loss. The Boer leader was captured.