Mr. Dooley's observations "On the Troubles of a Candi- date,"
though prompted by the Presidential Election, will be read with appreciation by British M.P.'s, or would-be M.P.'s. The campaign, observes Mr. Dooley, is doing as well as could be expected. He pictures Mr. Bryan's chairman calling to one of his trusty henchmen and Baying : "Mike, put on a pigtail an' a blue shirt, an' take a dillygation iv Chinnymen out to Canton [Mr. McKinley's residence] an' congrathlate Mack on th' murder iv mission'ries in China." Similarly Mr. Mark Hanna, Mr. McKinley's right-hand man, "rings f'r his sicrety and bide him call up an empl'ymint agency an' have a dillygation iv Jesuites dhrop in at Lincoln [Mr. Bryan's headquarters] with a message fr'm th' Pope proposin' to bur-rn all Protestant churches the night befure iliction." Mr. Dooley dwells feelingly on the sufferings endured by the candidates by being perpetually photographed "with wondher- ful boardire-honse smiles." " Glory be ! " he adds, "what a relief 'twill be f'r wan iv thim to raysume permanently th' savage or famly breakfast face th' mornin' either iliction !
'Tis th' day afther illation l'd like f'r to be a candydate, Hinnissy, no matther how it wint."