An Question de l'Alcool Alligations et Rialitia. Par Yves Guyot
(Paris Felix Alcan. 3 fr. 50 e.)—M. Yves Guyot in this interesting and highly controversial volume reviews the whole question of alcoholic liquor, in its physiological, economic, and political aspects. He is a resolute opponent of Prohibition and dislikes teetotalers. " I thought," he says, " that after the battle of the Marne the Ligue Nationale centre l'Alcoolismewould no longer assert that all Frenchmen, except its members, were degenerates, good-for- nothings, alcoholics or the sons of alcoholics. I was wrong. Tho more our soldiers show their energy, endurance, and individual superiority over the adversary, the more the leaders of this league assail the public with furious denunciations of alcohol." He has tried, he says, to state the plain facts, in answer to this campaign. M. Yves Guyot reviews the British War Prohibition movement not unfairly but without sympathy. Yet he would, we think, admit that if we had to choose between going short of bread and denying ourselves beer, we should do right to secure the supply of bread.