It is amusing to notice that some Liberal newspapers which
had steadily condemned the Paris Resolutions as being economically vindictive against the Central Powers have now approved a policy for subjecting Germany to an economic boycott which, so far as we can see, would be more drastic than anything contemplated in the Paris Resolutions. We do not condemn the policy on this account. In our opinion, it would be a very good thing, as we have often urged, if our Government, on the principle of the Sibylline books, would tell the Central Powers that the terms open to them will become progressively harder according as they delay the day of their surrender. Long before the war we argued that a com- mercial boycott was a means of pressure which bad enormous possibilities, hitherto scarcely explored. We are therefore greatly interested in this proposal. But it is surely absurd to try, as the Daily News does, to make the Paris Resolutions more agreeable to " Liberal " sentiment by adopting their principles under another name.