[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
Sfa,—I have been asked to support an appeal for funds on behalf of this Library, which is performing a highly important service for the Church, of a kind not undertaken by any other institution in supplying inquirers and students with the best books dealing with modern problems—of religion, philosophy, science, economics, ethics, etc.—from a dis- tinctively Christian standpoint. The need it attempts to supply is the more urgent in view of the number of libraries and reading rooms devoted to the propagation of various modern alternatives to Christianity.
At the present moment the Bede Library is in serious financial difficulties. It is because I believe that any curtail- ment of its activities would be a real misfortune, and that on the contrary an expansion of these activities is of great importance, that I earnestly commend its appeal for funds. Subscriptions and donations may be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, N. H. Romanes, Esq., Bede Library, 236 Abbey House, 2 Victoria Street, S.W. 1.—I am, Sir, &c., W. MANCHESTER.