Impossible as it is to achieve the ideal of equality
of sacrifice in war-time, every attempt must be made to avoid avoidable injustices. One of these affects officers under- going special courses. I use the plural because, though the information that comes to me concerns one particular special course, it is pretty certainly true of many others. Officers are being billeted in a certain building, which they did not choose, at a cost of 6s. a day, which they did not fix. It represents roughly twice their billeting allowance ; the difference comes out of their own pockets. More than that, each officer will have to pay at the end of the course some- thing like Lb for various expenses legitimately incurred. For this he will be reimbursed—in due time. Meanwhile he has to produce the money, and many Territorial officers, having given up their professional work, are hard put to it to do that. There is obviously something here to be put right.
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