THE " SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 599 to Book Token
for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first corte,i solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesdqv October loth.
1. He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve but his crown. (8, S.) 10. The hostess at The Den, Eatanswill, was apt to. (7.) 11. Room for ballads. (7.) 12. " Others - our question. Thou art free " (M. Arnold). (5.) 13. The rider is apt to become it. (S.) 14. Last case river. (5.) 16. Might have been erodir but took no notice. (7.) 17. A shocking sort of physiologist. (7.) 18. " All is gas and -" (Dickens). (7.) 21. Its back in a tooth. (7.) 23. Goliath's was like a weaver's beam. (5.) 24. The shape of an empty poet. (5.) 26. The hound departs into concealment. (5.) 27. The master, perhaps, of a good plat- form manner. (7.) 28. Byron's pirate. (7.) 29. Open correspondence ? (7, sfs.)
2. " How sweet I did any heart now share in my -" (Shenstone). (7.) 3. It is associated with a foreign palace on the floor. (5.) 4. He loved the- niece of an old Canon of Notre Dame. (7.)
5. The oarsman doesn't get -into the water for this process. (7.)
6. If one puts one's shirt on ib right horse it should be. (S.) 7. The continuation of this musical
instrument may well be ' gar3g: " (7.)
8. Establishment that appears to b: preparing for th_ interior decoraur,. (8, 5.) 9. Going round the edge of dr: directors ? (8, 5.) 14. Tennyson found them idle and didn't know why they came. (5.) 15. Fluid aspect of Marat. (5.) 19. It suggests I'm very tardy ani detached. (7.) 20. The tool gets across. (7.) 21. A blonde in the Force ? (4, 3.) 22. Raininv almost as usual. (7.)
25. Doctor nc- alike fit, that's the tendency. (5.)
26. Dared of old. (5.)