Books Wanted
A NUMBER OF PEOPLE by Sir Edward Marsh, and 'Soviet Chess: Chess and Communism in the U.S.S.R.' by D. J. Richards. M. Russell, Dungrove Farm House, Tarrant Gunville, Blandford, DT11 8JS.
ANDRE GIDE: 'Les Crepuscules' de Nymphes — an English translation by Alison Duveen. L. Moseley, La Solitude Cottage, St Martin, Jersey CI.
S. E. Parker, Garden Flat, 91 Talbot Rd., London W2.
ULTRA GOES TO WAR by Ronald Lewin. (Paperback if poss.). Ken Daly, 40 Doughty St., London WCIN 2LF.
THE BONNIE FECHTER by M. Pentland and any books by S. Baring Gould. S. Welfare, The Den of Keithfield, Tarves, Elton, Aberdeen- shire AB4 OHJ.
JOHN BUCHAN: 'The African Colony' and 'Some Eighteenth Century Byways'. R. Court, 6 Bedford Rd., London N8 8HL.
THE SEVEN AGES OF MAN printed and published by the Bishopsgate Press, London E.C. Drawings by E. J. Wheeler. Terence Tofield, c/o Jean-Marc Charles Heidsieck, 75 Swan Court, Chelsea Manor St., London SW3. A GUIDEBOOK TO THE BIBLE by Alice Parmelee. Lord Edmund-Davies, 5 Gray's Inn ,,London WC1R 5EU.
THE COUSINHOOD by Chaim Bermant. J. D. Norman, 117 Nethel St., London N12 8AB. PSYCHOLOGIE ET MORALE AUX XII ET XIII SIECLES by 0. Lottin and 'Thomism and Aristotelianism' by H. V. Jaffa. d. McQueen, Philosopy Dept., University ;of Nottingham, NG7 2RD.
INTRODUCING ORIENTAL ART by Philip Rawson. G. D. Scott-Kerr, 199 Lynton Rd., Harrow, Middlesex.
CROSSWORD FINISHER compiled by John Griffiths. J. Brown, Sewell House, Winscombe, 'Avon BS25 1LQ.
ANDRE' L. SIMON: 'A Concise Encyclopaedia of Gastronomy'. M. Harris, 15 Shaftsbury Rd., Richmond, Surrey TW9 2TD.
ABOUT KINGSMILL by Hesketh Pearson and Malcolm Muggeridge. J. B. Hodgson, 7 Regent Close, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 6LF.
BERNARD DARWIN: 'Golf Courses of the British Isles' and 'History of the Royal and Ancient' by Everard. J. Gall, 49 Anderson Avenue, Aberdeen.
K. M. PANNIKAR: 'The Founding of the Kashmir State; a biography of Gulab Singh' and 'Travels in Kashmir, Ladakh Iskardo etc' by G.
T. Vigne. C. Chenevix Trench, Lisnamoe House, Ballymackey, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, Eire.
THE MYTH OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Alfred Rosenberg. (English translation). G. Walker, 1 Dixton Cottage, Vincent Lane, Dork- ing, RH4 3HF.
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