Osama's origins
From Mr Michael Rice Sir: Only those who seek to disparage it use the term Wahhabr or Wahhabism' (The Saudi connection, 22 September). The term in English is 'Unitarian', which conveys a sense more of North Country evangelism than Muslim fundamentalism. That phenomenon owes more to 19th-century politicians such as Arabi than to the reformer, whose proper name is Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab, the last part being his patronym.
It is not 'the official theology of the Gulf states'; only Qatar has adopted it.
Britain did not 'support the Wahhabi Arabs' in their revolt against the Ottomans. The Arab revolt was the product of the devoutly Sunni Sherif of Mecca and his sons.
I have no idea what Osama bin Laden professes but, as he is by origin a Yemeni, I should be very surprised if he is a follower of Mohammed bin Abdul Wahhab.
Michael Rice
Nr Baldock, Herts