Application was made to fire Committee on the Dublin Election,
on Thursday, to adjourn over the Laster holydays, in order to give the electors of Dublin whd had supported by Mr. Ruthven an opportunity to take fresh measures for carrying on the contest against West and Hamilton. The Committee decided that they were not empowered by law to permit this delay ; trod accordingly they continued sitting on Thursday; and having adjourned over Good Friday, meet again today. On Wednesday, Mr. O'Connell's majority was broken down ; and the fact being announced by the Clerk, the rory audience in the Com- mittee-room testified their delight by clapping and stamping,—an in- decorum which called forth a very feeble reprimand from Mr. Max- well, the Chairman. The agent for Mr. O'Connell proceeded on Thursday to strike off the bad votes of the petitioners ; and thirteen were removed. The same process was then taken up by the peti- tioners; and on Thursday night Mr. O'Connell was in a majority of three votes.