The newty-elested Spanish Chamber of Procuradores had their preparaCory meeting
in Madrid on the 17th of March ; when Sense Isynarrz, one of the leaders of the Ultra Liberal party, was elected temporary President. On the 22d, the Queen Re- gent formally opened the session of the Cortes, with a speech from the thrones The• electoral law, the negotiations with the South American Stated the continuance of friendly relations with Englund, France, Portugal, the Brazils, and the United States, the tried gallantry of the Royal army in the North, and the pre- sumed bravery of the 70,000 recruits about to join them, the or- ganization of the National Guard, and the state of the finances, are all adverted to,—of course, each topic with brevity, but in a calm and statesmanlike tone. There is no exultation, but nothing like despondency in this Royal address; and the impression it coneys is, that MENDIZABAL is fully sensible of the difficulties. which surround him on every side, and prepared to grapple with them in a hopeful and manly spirit. The day on which the ceremony of opening the session took place was very fine ; news had been received in the morning of two victories gained by ESPARTERO over the Carlists,—really of , little importance, but of course made the most of for the occasion; 4-eiw the Queen was everywhere well received ; so was MENDIZABAL; and the affair " went off" in the most approved fashion.
It is doubtful whether MENDIZABAL will maintain himself in power against an opposition of extreme Liberals, which is forming. In the mean while, a memorial, strongly urging the ne- cessity of his continuance in office, has been signed by five hun- dred of the principal grandees, landowners, and merchants or Spain, and presented to the Queen.