Tuesday, larch 29.
PARTNERMIPS DISSOLVED.—Higginbottom and Co. Bury, woollen-printers; as far as regards G. Nabb— Wilkinson and Austin, Southampton St. Camberwell, hosiers— Richardson and Co. Birmingham, glass-stainers—Langton and Revill, Birmingham, metal-spinners — Trevethiek and Co. Hull. wood-merchants—Pierce and Smith, Nantwich, painters—Matthews and Co. auctioneers—Emberton and Co. Burslem, earthenware-manufacturers-- Stannard and Co. Wiston Nayland—Baker and Web- ster, Millbrook, surgeons—Greaves and Taylor, Crompton, cotton-spinners—Stan- field and Hepworth, Wakefield, printers—Hughes and Lewis, Tothill Street, West- minster, linen-drapers—Turton and Wilkinson, Bury, leather-dealers—Worthington and Co. Manchester, cotton-spinners—Collinson and Richardson, Bridlington, at- tornies—llolmes and Brother, Pagan Hill, Gloucestershire, engineers—J. and W. Vail, Cambridge, whitesiniths—Bevingtons and Morris, King William Street, City, leather-factors ; as far as regards T. Bevington—L. and J. Nathan, Upper Queen's Buildings, Brompton, butchers—Gott and Farquharson, Kendal, coach-builders- Pemberton and Silvester, Manchester, linen-drapers—Carpenter and Co. Birming- ham, web-manufacturers; as far as regards H. Carpenter—Needle and Co. Beer Lane, Tower Street, wine-coopers—Pembridge and Hunt, Tottenham Court Road, grocers—J. and G. Cone, Witham, Essex, cabinet-makers—Ogden and Whitehead. Middleton, Lancashire, iron-founders—Richards and Wisbey, Bristol, printers—J. and W. Robinson, Barnsley, twine-manufacturers—W. and R. Robertson, Glasgow, general warehousemen.
Bannaurrs.—Tnomas Dat.t.ssron Sxmkair, Ipswich, plumber, to surrender April 13, May 10: solicitors, Morris and Co. Moorgate Street Chambers; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—Joan Townes, Uckfield, Sussex, grocer, April 8, May 10: solicitor, Parker, St. Paul's Churchyard; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street—Wimxsx Laxness, Stoke-upon-Trent, boot-maker, April 13, May 4: so- licitors, Lees, Burslem; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Bir- mingham.
Divmerms.—May 6, Mayfield, Spalding, Lincolnshire, grocer—April 21, Tyerman, Plymouth, hosier—April 21, Petrie, Plymouth, confectioner—April 21, Tipping, Li- verpool, soap-boiler—April 21, Bnckwood, Liverpool; merchant—April 21. Came and Telo, Liverpool, merchants—April 20, Keron, Altrincham, builder—April 21, Greenerjun. Wigan, ironmonger.
CERTIFICATES.—To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—April 21, Toms junior, Saltash, Cornwall, victualler—April 21, Tyerman, Plymouth, hosier.
SCOTCH SERCESTRATIONS.—Alexander, Troon, merchant. April 5, 26—Allan, Mon- trose, grocer, April 4, May 2—Mine, Edinburgh, omnibus-proprietor, April 1, 22— Chapman, Edinburgh, merchant, April 4, 25.
Friday, April 1.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Beaumont and Sons, Huddersfield—Blagden and Turner, Petwortb, surgeons—G. and J. Mold, Northampton, builders—Boothroyd and Haywood, Sheffield, cabinet-case-makers—Boyle and Co. Leeds, flax-spinners- Henrys and Co. Budge Row, importers of foreign goods ; as far as regard R. L. Henry—J. and W. Smorthwaite, Barking, bakers—Lamb and Co. Liverpool, house- joiners—Wilkin and Cockburn, Monkwearmouth, ale-merchants—Anisinck and Matthews, Wood Street, Westminster, brewers—Astins and Fish, engravers—H. and H. Grace, Egharn, tailors—Spencer and Ratcliff, Bradford, Yorkshire, medical botanists—Beddoe and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, linen-drapers—Hill and Wood, Manchester, clothiers—Oswald and Kovacs, Manchester, booksellers—J. and J. Bramwell, Glossop, grocers—Sanders and Edwards, Maiden Lane, gut-mium- facturers—J. and C. liners, Langley, Warwickshire, farmers—Garstang. and Platt, Ashton-in-Mackerfield, Lancashire, coal-merchants—Cadle and Ferns, Newent, Gloucestershire, mercers—Griffiths and Son. Cheltenham, stable-keepers—Kewley and Mason, Huyton, Lancashire, chemists—Thimbleby and Son, Chipping Barnet, pawnbrokers—Firth and Nussey, Leeds, linen-drapers—Liverpool Steam Tug Com- pany; as far as regards S. Dowie.
BANKRUPTS.—BENJAMIN BUNTING senior and Co. Norwich, tallow-chandlers, to surrender April 8, May 13: solicitors, Hudson and Co. Bucklersbury ; Bailey, Nor- wich; official assignee, Canaan, Aldermanbury—IIENIVE CROWTHER, Tichbome Street, Edgeware Road, cabinet-maker, April 9, May 7: solicitor, Roscoe, King Street, k'insbury ; official assignee, Nicholson, Basiughall Street—Jonx BROOME. Birmingham, victualler, April 13, May 12: solicitor, East, Birmingham ; official as- signee, Whitmore, Birmingbarn—ALExaNDEB. Weinsa., Weston Brewery, Bath, brewer, April 14, May 12: solicitors, Sheard and Baker, Old Jewry ; Whittington and Gribble, Bristol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol—Tnomas NATHANIEL Ani- mus. Yeovil, currier, April 12, ALI 4: solicitors, Smith, Bristol ; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Ilirtzel, Exeter—JOHN Fear, Marton, Lancashire, miller, April 12, May 3: solicitors, Liddell, Poulton-le-Fylde ; Atkinson, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool.
DIVIDENDS.—April 22, Handley, Manor Terrace, Brixton, builder—Apri122, Eimer and Pearce, Bethnal Green Road, grocers—April 22, Darby, Regent Street, printer— April 26, Marriott Gracechurch Street, oil-warehouseman—April 26, Walker, Ba- singhall Street, cloth-manufacturer—April 29, Young, Hartlepool, grocer—April 22, Frazer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, corn-merchant--April 29, Davison, Newcastle-upon- '1'7ne. gun-maker—April 22, Gibson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocer—April 22, Haw- kins, Nottingham, currier.
CERTIFICATE8.-2b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of niecting.—April 22, Pugh, Lyndhurst Square, Peckham, tailor—April 29, Davison, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, gun-maker—April 22, Dudgeon, Litchurch, Derbyshire, builder—April 22, Caunt, Newark-upon-Trent, coal-merchant—April 22, Pass, Far Town, Huddersfield, innkeeper.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDEND8.—Wagstaffe and Bayliss, Kidderminster, carpet- Manufacturers ; second div. of Is. ad. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers — Buck, Queen's Road, Dalston, trader; first div. of Is. 2d. any Tuesday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers--Bryant, Victoria Grove, Stoke Newington, builder ; first div. of 104d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—R. F: and It. W. Long, Gray's Inn Mace, builders; first div. of 41d. any Tuesday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers— Wills, Portsea, trader 3first div. of 38. 3d. on Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane.
SCOTCH SECICESTRATION.—Kirk, Edinburgh, brewer, April 8, 29.