2 APRIL 1853, Page 8


1 Adam Street, Adelphi, 26th March 1853. Sin—In restoring the damaged portion of Windsor Castle, it may be as well to exercise considerable caution previously, to make sure that the "vo- lume of water poured through the burning apartments" has all been " turned into the Castle area and iiumped., out by the engines." -Otherwise it may happen that, some months hence,sases: of feveren&ague " may oc- cur' for which no one will be able to account, but loc ishipisthe causes will be the same as in the new lands of Americe,—nan_ndy, stagnant waters. Most ancient buildings contain crannies and bellow spaces in their walls, into which if water gets access it has no Means of getting out Again save by evaporation. Centuries may pass without water getting in' bo *Len it does get in malaria will be theresult. I once knew a case of this,Mnd. Engine- pipes were carried through the upper floors of a very old houtieV. for the pur- pose of extinguishing a fire in a neighbouring building. The leakylnie thoroughly saturated the ancient building, but when the-flooffe*tirel dry all was thought satisfactory, and the residents resumed possession,: ,Siihie n16nths afterwards several of the inmates were attacked by feverend agnad '17 iP t■ It is possible that Windsor Castle may not contain; any secondite-recep- tades for water ; but if it should so happen, it would* a seeiope neinance ; and it would be no unwise caution to make sure of ituhjiIitying baretho whole course the water has taken.