Parirstax Trratennears.
The last theatrical novelty in the French capital is La Tonelli, a comic opera composed by M. .Ambroise Thomas to words of M. Sauvage. The plot turns on one of those improbable resemblances which occur in the Menach- mus of Plautus, the Twelfth Eight and Comedy of Errors of Shakspere, the modern French tragedy of Valdria, and countless dramatic works besides; the drama being just that department of literature in which probability is least. regarded. A peasant girl named Bettina and a prima donna called La Tonelli are so much like each other that an amour with either leads to the strangest perplexity ; and the likeness is attained to perfection by the arrangement that both charmers are represented by Madame Ugalde.
In the absence of new productions, the Parisians are looking towards the future. Les Bernier* Tours de is .Fronde, the grand opera attributed to M. Niedermeyer, is in active rehearsal at the Academic; and a new dram called Le Vicomte .Raphael is announced as the successor of Uncle Tom at the Ambigu-Comique. M. Ravel has reappeared at the Palais Royal, with his London laurels fresh upon his head. He chose L'Etourneau for his rentree, and the choice does credit to his judgment.