I. The following is an Abstract of the gross Produce of the Revenue of the United ICim;dom, in the undermentioned periods, ended March 31, 1859, tampered with the corresponding periods of the preeeding year.
Customs Excise stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Lands Miscellaneous Totals Castems Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax - Post-office Crewel Lands istellaneous
(312A.RTERS ENDED Seth June 39th. Sept. Ilat Dec. 31st Much 1838. 1650. 1838. 1853.
5,879,039 8,115,422 8,209,187 5,914,295 4,626000 5E85E00 5E04,000 3,187,000 2,084,370 1,831,000 2,029,060 2,061,399 1,326,000 141E00 1,383,0011 312,000 1,190,267 2,464E00 367,006 2,483,000 76.5,000 745,000 860,000 830,000 61,000 , 6040 83,390 72,000 333,970 531000 967,321 340,313
16,2711,960 , 10,004,052 17,086,830 13,260E01 QUARTERS =52D1373
30115 June 31111/5 Sept. 31st Dec. 31st March 1857. 1867: 1837. 1868.
6,110,349 8,481.383 8,590,910 5,888,382 4,507,000 5,208E00 4,789,000 3,261,000 1,850,401 1,732,153 1,761E00 2,051,973 1,321,000 159,100 1,961,0e0 306E33 2,455,540 4,931,537 866,437 3,390,601 675,900 730,000 616,000 705,000 66,000- 60,654 82,000 70,000 256,262 263,438 723,707 343,360 17,281,762. 18,082,269 15,907,162 16,010,319
Excise Stamps Taxes Property Tax Post-office Crown Leads Miacellaueous Year ended 31st Maxcli 1839.
24,117,943 17,002,000. " 8,003,769 3,162,003 6E53,507 3,200,010 280,040 3,1;23,914
Year ended 31st March 1848.
23,1011,104 17,823,000 7,415,719 3,142,043 11,386,115 2,920,000 270,661, 1,596,687 67,881,312 Totals 65 477783
IL Tncrease and Decrease in the Quarter and Year ended March 33, 1859, as compared with the corresponding periods of the preceding year.
Customs Excise
4tamp0 ..... .
Taxes Pnmerty Tax Post-office Crown Lando Miticellaneous
IQUARTER. ENDED March 31, 1839. Increase. Decreme. Ltocrcase.
£ - 1,000,839 66,600 77,000 - 390,054P 9,952 280,000 3,380 519,057 YEAR ENDED March 31, 1859, 23,943 9,426 3,267 125,000 2,600 907,601 5,047
Tetals 103,930 970,6451 2,498,299 4,902,318 - -- 4803,711 £2,404,200 liMt Decrease, Net Deerease,
III. An Account showing the Revenue and other Receipts of the Quar- ter ended March 31, 1869 • the Application of the same and the Charge of the Consolidated Fiind for the said Quarter, together with the Surplus or Deficiency upon such Charge.
Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended December 31, 1838, xis.-.
Great Britain Treland 4199,502 790,341
Income received in the Quarter ended March 31, 1859,08 shown in Account 1... 15,200,607 Amonnereceived in the Quarter ended March 31, 1830, iu repayment of Ad •
vancee for Public Works,Rc 412,467 Amount raised by the sale of Exchequer Bonds, in full of a grant of 2,000,0001. 1,000,000 Saving an the charge for diplomatic salaries for the year 1838 5,009
Ballet*, beinx the Deficiency- on March 31, 1859,upon the charge of the Conon- 17,4/7,383 dated Fund in Great Britain, to meet the Dividends and other Charges pay- able in the Quarter to June 30, 1859, and for which Exchequer BWI (Defici-
ency) will be issued la that Quarter 529,226 17,946,611 Amount applied out of the income- for the Quarter ended March 31, 1833, in re- demption of Daehequer Bills (Deficiency) for the Quarter ended Dec. 31,1828 251,336 Amount applied out of the Income to Supply Services, In the Quarter ended March 34, 1839 8,849,140 Chazge of the Consolidated Fund for the Quarter ended March Si, 1839, vie.- - Interest of the Permanent Debt £5,613,340 Terminable Debt 1,410,801 Interest ot Exahequer Bills (Deficiency) nil The Civil 1.1st 100,721
Other Charges on Consolidated Fund 460,082
• Advances for Public Worksotic 373,218
Sialiieg Fund 291,914
Surplus Balance beyond the Charge of the Consolidated Fund, for the Quarter ended March 31, 1839, VIZ: Grea t Britain ..-...-..... 8,238,371
Ireland Se.04,3d4 • -- 604,344
- £15,946,611