The latest accounts confirm the report that the Five Powers
have agreed to the holding of Congress on the questions between Austria and Italy ; Italy to be heard in the Congress.
The explanations given by Lord Malmesbury in the Upper House show that Government did not learn of Russia's intention to propose a Congress before the 18th of March, it will be re- membered that we reported the fact of the proposal on the 19th. Lord Malmesbury shows how the idea had gradually grown up ; our own Government having probably been the first to make the suggestion.
Meanwhile we have Count Cavour's despatch to the British Government, in answer to Count Buors representation. The Piedmontese statesman writes more concisely, but not less to the point. He shows that in every form of encroachment or aggres- sion, the mustering of troops, the asking for a loan, and prepara- tion in general, Austria has continued in advance of Piedmont. Although the subject has now been taken out of the hands of the bail-belligerent states, by the agreement to appoint a Congress, it is very necessary to keep in view the relative positions of Aus- tria and Piedmont before that stage.